Short term histological liver changes in extrahepatic biliary atresia with good postoperative bile drainage.

Short term histological liver changes were studied in 13 patients with congenital biliary atresia, who showed good bile drainage after radical operation. Biopsies obtained at the time of the corrective surgery and at the second operation to convert from external total to partial bile drainage (undertaken once the bilirubin concentration was less than 30.8 mumol/l) were compared. A significant correlation was found between histological findings and the clinical course. In particular, at the second biopsy an increase in hepatic fibrosis and cell infiltration was observed mainly in patients whose bilirubin concentration decreased slowly or who had cholangitis, or both. Hepatic fibrosis and cell infiltration had decreased, however, in an appreciable number of patients whose postoperative course had been characterised by a rapid reduction in the bilirubin concentration and no cholangitis.