Complications of Penile Lengthening and Augmentation Seen at 1 Referral Center

Complications of the recent cosmetic technique of penile lengthening and girth enhancement are reviewed. During a 16-month period 12 men presented with complications of penile augmentation performed elsewhere. All 12 patients had undergone release of the suspensory ligament and 10 had received autologous fat injection. the chief complaint was poor cosmetic appearance (irregular residual fat nodules in 7 men, skin deformity and scarring in 4 and scrotalization in 4). Reoperation was necessary in 6 patients, wound complications occurred in 6 and sexual dysfunction was reported by 4. Only 1 patient reported a subjective increase in penile length. Although a verifiable complication rate may never by available, the morbidity of elective penile lengthening and girth enhancement is noteworthy. These cosmetic techniques should be regarded as experimental.