The status of existing knowledge on radiative transfer in the combustion chamber of furnaces is presented, including radiation from non-luminous combustion products, from soot in flames, from ash, and from burning char. This knowledge is used to examine the impact of fuel conversion on furnace performance. Sixteen fuels, 10 gas, 5 solid, and 1 liquid- representative of those currently in use or proposed for use- are examined. Significant differences in the thermal efficiency, size, or capacity of combustion chambers can be anticipated as a consequence of fuel substitution, and it is shown that these differences can be estimated with fair confidence when the dominant contributors to flame radiation are CO2 and H2O. Although the significance of particulate radiation and surface deposits from fuels high in ash or prone to soot formation has long been known, the approach to the formulation of these effects has been improved by the suggested use of models which produce results lying within the known ranges of practical systems. The ability to estimate these efforts is nevertheless still limited by inadequate information, primarily on the physical and chemical processes governing the concentration and size of particulates and secondarily on their radiative properties.