The American Soldier-An Expository Review

PUBLICATION of The American Soldier constitutes an event of first importance in the world of social research. Although the studies on which the book is based were made in response to military needs, they contain a mine of information and insights for all persons concerned with human behaviour. Many of the findings are of direct relevance to the industrial psychologist, the educator, and the public relations specialist, as well as to the social theoretician, the opinion researcher, and the military policy maker. At the request of the QUARTERLY, Professor Lazarfeld has provided a brief guide to the first two of these four encyclopedic volumes, and has highlighted the significance of many of the findings reported therein. Contributions to such key concepts of sociology and psychology as the primary group, frame of reference, and the influence of role and position are discussed, and a bird's-eye view of the major experiments and findings is given, together with some of their major implications. The author is Professor of Sociology at Columbia University, and President of the American Association for Public Opinion Research.