Seven new Neotropical deltocephaline leafhopper genera are described and illustrated: Hecadula (Cicadulini); Stenogrampta, Penthigrampta, and Perugramptella (Penthimiini); and Chimaerotettix and Idioceromimus (incertae cedis). Together these genera are based on 11 new species from Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil, including ten from rainforest canopy-fogging samples. Male, female, and (for four genera) fifth-instar characters are described and illustrated. Perugrampta Kramer is redescribed and transferred from Nirvaninae to Penthimiini, together with four new species, and a key to the six known species is provided. This and the three new penthimiine genera apparently represent an endemic Neotropical clade distinct from the Old World Penthimiini. Hecadula is the only known endemic South American representative of the largely Holarctic tribe Cicadulini. Chimaerotettix and Idioceromimus display unusual combinations of deltocephaline and non-deltocephaline traits and, thus, may represent endemic South American deltocephaline lineages distinct from currently recognized tribes.