Fatih Sultan Mehmed adopted the understanding of dominance in the world which is an old Turkish tradition. Fatih Sultan’s aim was to collect both Christian and Islam civilization under his hegemony so that he can establish a global empire. Following the conquest of Istanbul, Sultan Mehmed’s first initiative was to build a great and rich center for his state that became an imperial force. Then, he wanted to abolish the factors which might lay a claim on Istanbul. Furthermore, his political agenda was to abandon the regional principalities system; and he wanted to conquest all principalities directly so that he can establish a central empire. The Balkan Peninsula was a region that should be under control against the western threats and at the same time it was a gate to transfer the Turkish-Islam civilization to the west. He followed the way of abolishing the principalities till Tuna so as to establish his dominance over the region; and he combined all Balkan Peninsula in one entity. The besieging of Bosnia was one of the initiatives towards this aim. In this research, conquest of Bosnia in the period of the Mehmet II (1480), will be evaluated through the works of classical Ottoman history writers such as Tursun Bey, Oruç Bey, İbn Kemal, Solak-Zade Mehmed Hemdemî Çelebi.