Scaling of the superfluid density in high-temperature superconductors

A scaling relation Nc4.4σdcTc has been observed in the copper-oxide superconductors, where Nc is the spectral weight associated with the formation of the superconducting condensate ρs=8Nc, Tc is the critical temperature, and σdc is the normal-state dc conductivity close to Tc. This scaling relation is examined within the context of a clean and dirty-limit BCS superconductor. These limits are well established for an isotropic BCS gap 2Δ and a normal-state scattering rate 1τ; in the clean limit 1τ2Δ, and in the dirty limit 1τ>2Δ. The dirty limit may also be defined operationally as the regime where ρs varies with 1τ. It is shown that the scaling relation Nc or ρsσdcTc, which follows directly from the Ferell-Glover-Tinkham sum rule, is the hallmark of a BCS system in the dirty-limit. While the gap in the copper-oxide superconductors is considered to be d wave with nodes and a gap maximum Δ0, if 1τ>2Δ0 then the dirty-limit case is preserved. The scaling relation implies that the copper-oxide superconductors are likely to be in the dirty limit and, as a result, that the energy scale associated with the formation of the condensate scales linearly with Tc. The ab planes and the c axis also follow the same scaling relation. It is observed that the scaling behavior for the dirty limit and the Josephson effect (assuming a BCS formalism) are essentially identical, suggesting that in some regime these two pictures may be viewed as equivalent.