This article analyzes the adaptations of the hindlimb of two Early Paleocene marsupials, Mayulestes ferox and Pucadelphys andinus. This analysis is based on detailed comparisons with various extant marsupials, both South American and Australian. In the case of the South American opossums, original myological data were collected and osteological–myological associations were related to their locomotor behavior. The use of Australian genera helped to improve the appraisal of the locomotory habits of the fossil taxa. Several features are indicative of the ability of Mayulestes to climb or walk on uneven surfaces (e.g., very mobile hip joint, astragalocalcaneal joint pattern), and some other features emphasize a relative agility (e.g., strongly everted iliac blades, morphology of the distal epiphysis of the femur, medially stabilized cruroastragalar joint). Pucadelphys exhibits a hindlimb relatively similar morphologically to that of Mayulestes, but with features indicating slightly increased agility and a terrestrial component that is more emphasized than in Mayulestes. The Tiupampa fossils were therefore more agile than most living didelphids and resembled the condition observed in living dasyurids more. These conclusions complement a previous study performed on the forelimb of these fossils. J. Morphol. 253:76–108, 2002.