Multiple Fano resonances in single-layer nonconcentric core-shell nanostructures.

Multiple plasmonic Fano resonances are generally considered to require complex nanostructures, such as multilayer structure, to provide several dark modes that can couple with the bright mode. In this paper, we show the existence of multiple Fano resonances in single layer core-shell nanostructures where the multiple dark modes appear due to the geometrical symmetry breaking induced by axial offset of the core. Both dielectric-core-metal-shell (DCMS) and metal-core-dielectric-shell (MCDS) configurations have been studied. Compared to the MCDS structure, the DCMS configuration provides higher modulation depth. Analytical studies based on transformation optics and numerical simulations have been performed to investigate the role of geometrical and material parameters on the optical properties of the proposed nanostructures. Refractive index sensing with higher-order Fano resonances has also been described, providing opportunity for multiwavelength sensing with high figure of merit.