Trends in Hospitalizations for Pneumonia Among Persons Aged 65 Years or Older in the United States, 1988-2002

Pneumonia is among the 10 leading causes of death in the United States and is a significant cause of outpatient visits and hospitalizations.1-4 Several studies suggest that the rates of hospitalization for pneumonia may be increasing among US adults, particularly among older adults (patients aged ≥65 years).5-8 While increasing age is associated with higher disease rates,1,4,9,10 few studies have explored trends according to age groups and occurrence of pneumonia. Factors that increase the risk for pneumonia include the presence of underlying medical conditions, advanced age, functional disability, and residency in long-term care facilities4,11-14; however, the reasons for the increasing trends in hospitalizations for pneumonia have not been well-defined. We hypothesized that an increase in chronic underlying conditions (reflected in increased comorbid diagnoses) could contribute to greater hospitalization rates for pneumonia over time.