Water solubility and octanol/water-partitioning of hydrophobic chlorinated organic substances determined by using SPME/GC

The critical step in the determination of water solubilitiy (S w) and octanol-water partition coefficient (K ow) of hydrophobic organic chemicals by using the generator-column technique and the slow-stirring procedure, respectively, is the exact quantification of the low water-phase concentrations of the substances under investigation. We have tested the applicability of solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and gas chromatography with seven chlorinated organic compounds. The substances cover a S w range from 500 mg/L to 7 ng/L and a log K ow range from 3 to 8. The results show that SPME can be a valuable alternative to common preconcentration techniques in the quantification of hydrophobic organics in pure and octanol-saturated water. The apparent SPME distribution constants K SPME (obtained with the 100 μm-PDMS fiber for analyte’s partitioning between fiber coating and aqueous sample) do not correlate directly with octanol/water partition coefficients and thus cannot be recommended as a surrogate parameter for K ow.