TheArabidopsisD-Type Cyclin CYCD4 Controls Cell Division in the Stomatal Lineage of the Hypocotyl Epidermis

Cyclin D (CYCD) plays an important role in cell cycle progression and reentry in response to external signals. Here, we demonstrate that Arabidopsis thaliana CYCD4 is associated with specific cell divisions in the hypocotyl. We observed that cycd4 T-DNA insertion mutants had a reduced number of nonprotruding cells and stomata in the hypocotyl epidermis. Conversely, CYCD4 overexpression enhanced cell division in nonprotruding cell files in the upper region of the hypocotyls, where stomata are usually formed in wild-type plants. The overproliferative cells were of stomatal lineage, which is marked by the expression of the TOO MANY MOUTHS gene, but unlike the meristemoids, most of them were not triangular. Although the phytohormone gibberellin promoted stomatal differentiation in the hypocotyl, inhibition of gibberellin biosynthesis did not prevent CYCD4 from inducing cell division. These results suggested that CYCD4 has a specialized function in the proliferation of stomatal lineage progenitors rather than in stomatal differentiation. We propose that CYCD4 controls cell division in the initial step of stomata formation in the hypocotyl.