Sources and fate of nitrate in groundwater at agricultural operations overlying glacial sediments

Leaching of nitrate (NO3- ) from animal waste or fertilisers at agricultural operations can result in NO3- contamination of groundwater, lakes, and streams. Understanding the sources and fate of nitrate in groundwater systems in glacial sediments, which underlie many agricultural operations, is critical for managing impacts of human food production on the environment. Elevated NO3- concentrations in groundwater can be naturally attenuated through mixing or denitrification. Here we use isotopic enrichment of the stable isotope values of NO3- to quantify the amount of denitrification in groundwater at two confined feeding operations overlying glacial sediments in Alberta, Canada. Uncertainty in δ15NNO3 and δ18ONO3 values of the NO3- source and denitrification enrichment factors are accounted for using a Monte Carlo approach. When denitrification could be quantified, we used these values to constrain a mixing model based on NO
Funding Information
  • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (184573)