A photogrammetric technique was tested to measure the topography of the mucosa around implants, placed in edentulous upper jaws. Photographs were taken of casts from 6 patients, who all had used a removable overdenture for one year. Another series of photographs was taken on new casts after the use of a fixed prosthesis for a second year. The 6 pairs of photographs were measured and compared in an analytical stereo plotter for surface contour and implant positions. The results from the measurements indicated a trend of general recession of the mucosa after one year with fixed prosthesis, both on the buccal as well as on the palatal side. The mean volume of recession was 222.4 mm3, corresponding to an average of 0.4 mm3/mm2 of mucosa. More recession was generally observed on the palatal side, but obvious variations between the patients were present. In conclusion, the photogrammetric technique was considered to be well suited for analysing tissue contours in various dental situations.