Neovascularization of the disc (NVD) was present in 9 of 163 patients with pars planitis. In all cases, NVD was unilateral and observed in eyes with recent exacerbation of the inflammatory process. To reduce intraocular inflammation, all nine eyes were treated with varying combinations of topical, periocular, and systemic corticosteroids. In addition to corticosteroids, one eye received Argon laser photocoagulation, two eyes underwent peripheral cryotherapy, and one eye was treated with both Argon laser photocoagulation and peripheral cryotherapy. With decrease or disappearance of intraocular inflammation, NVD resolved in all cases without recurrence during follow-up study, which ranged from 6 to 189 (mean, 81) months. Rhegmatogenous retinal detachments developed in two eyes treated with peripheral cryotherapy. Both detachments were successfully repaired with surgery. Control of intraocular inflammation appears to be the key factor for regression of NVD in pars planitis. If NVD does not regress or vitreous hemorrhage occur, photocoagulation and peripheral cryotherapy may be beneficial. RETINA 10:269–273, 1990