Anti-CCP antibodies measured at disease onset help identify seronegative rheumatoid arthritis and predict radiological and functional outcome

Objective. Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) antibodies have been identified as highly specific for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Studies suggest an association with radiographic outcome. The aims of this study were to assess the diagnostic and prognostic utility of the second-generation anti-CCP2 test in a large cohort of early RA patients compared with connective tissue disease (CTD) controls. Methods. One hundred and eighty-two patients with RA and 121 patients with CTD were recruited. All RA patients had less than 24 months of symptoms and had CRP, rheumatoid factor (RF), HLA typing (SE) and anti-CCP2 antibodies measured at baseline. Function was assessed using the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) and X-rays performed at 0, 12 and 24 months. Results. The anti-CCP2 antibody test demonstrated a specificity of 91% and sensitivity of 81% for RA when compared with controls. In RF-negative patients, specificity was 92% and sensitivity 60%. Baseline demographics of the RA cohort showed mean age 57 yr, mean symptom duration 7 months, 63% RF-positive patients, 72% SE-positive, 81% CCP-positive and 21% erosive. The only predictor of change in Larsen score from 0 to 24 months in the cohort was the presence of the shared epitope (P100 (P100 predicted a poor functional response at 24 months (PConclusions. This study confirms the diagnostic utility of anti-CCP2 antibodies in early RA, particularly in seronegative patients, in whom anti-CCP2 positivity also conferred prognostic utility for radiographic and functional outcomes.