Enhanced extracellular lipid accumulation in acidic environments

Binding of apolipoprotein B-100-containing lipoproteins (VLDL, IDL, and LDL) to proteoglycans and modifications of the lipoproteins, whether bound or unbound, are key processes in atherogenesis. The complex interplay between binding and modification has been studied at neutral pH conditions. It has been demonstrated that during atherogenesis the extracellular pH of the lesions decreases. We summarize findings suggesting that lipoprotein binding and modification are enhanced at acidic pH. Many enzymes found in the arterial intima, such as secretory sphingomyelinase and cathepsins, are able to hydrolyze lipoproteins in vitro. These enzymes function optimally at slightly acidic pH (pH 5.5-6.5), and are likely to act on lipoproteins optimally in the acidic plaque areas. Also, the ability of human aortic proteoglycans to bind native VLDL, IDL, and LDL is dramatically increased at acidic pH; this binding can be further increased if these apolipoprotein B-100-containing particles are hydrolytically modified. Recent in-vitro findings suggest that in areas of atherosclerotic arterial intima where the extracellular pH is decreased, binding of apolipoprotein B-100-containing lipoproteins to proteoglycans and modification of the lipoproteins by acidic enzymes are enhanced. The pH-induced amplification of these processes will lead to enhanced extracellular accumulation of lipoproteins and accelerated progression of the disease.