Borinquenula, new genus, is apparently most closely related to Eriolus, and, although it is a copiphorine, some of its characters suggest the Agraecimae. Three new species are described: martorelli (type-species) 485 to 975 m in the Sierra de Luqunio; caritensis, 700 and 800 m in the Sierra cie Cayey and 845 m in the Cordillera Central; and minor, 100–1000 m in the Cordillera Central, the Sierra ae Cayey, and the Sierra de Luquillo. B. martorelli and caritensis are most similar in morphology but have strikingly different calling songs. The calling song of minor is unusually variable in 3 parameters. The relation between calling song and characters of the stridulatory file in Borinquenula illustrates 3 generalizations that apply to both gryllids and tettigoniids. The characters separating Copiphorinae and Agraeciinae and the history of usage of those 2 subfamily names are discussed.