TGF-βl Immunohistochemistry in Goiter: Comparison of Patients with Recurrence or No Recurrence

The aim of this work was to establish whether the immunohistochemical pattern for TGF-β1 in goiters that recur after thyroid surgery is different when compared with goiters that do not recur postoperatively. Twelve goiters, surgically removed by partial resection between 1977 and 1982, were studied. Ten years after surgery, 6 patients had recurrence of goiter or thyroid nodules (group 1); the others did not have any recurrence (group 2). The presence and location of TGF-β1 were evaluated a posteriori by immunohistochemistry in histological samples of the tissue that was removed. In each goiter specimen, 50 randomly selected subcapsular follicles were studied to evaluate the percentage of follicles negative or positive for TGF-β1 and the protein's intrathyrocyte location. In the slides of group 1, the percentage of TGF-β1-positive follicles was statistically (p < 0.01) greater (93.1%) than in group 2 (71.4%). No difference in the location of TGF-β1 was found. The authors found a greater percentage of positive follicles for the TGF-β1 protein in group 1 patients. In conclusion, TGF-β1 production in goiter is variable, time dependent, and may be a marker of active cellular proliferation due to chronic exposure to a goitrogen stimulus. Thus, the more TGF-β1 found, the more the cell is stimulated and, therefore, the greater the risk of relapse.