International comparison of technological activities and specializations: a patent-based monitoring system

Based on patent-based indicators, this study aims to an analyze the positions of a number of western contries in a broad spectrum of technology fields. Particular attention is focused on the Netherlands. Patent-based indicators reflect results of research and developement activities and may provide an insight into developement of possible economic interest. Earlier studies have shown a positive correlation between a country's patent position and the development of, for instance, foreign trade. We applied patent indicators to analyze a country's patenting activity in a field of technology as compared with the world average (or an average for a specific group of countries). It indicates to what extent a country ‘specializes’ in that field. Such an analysis yields a country's ‘profile’ as an ‘inventor country’. Monitoring all fields, covering the whole area of technology for an extended period of time, by patent analysis provides an insight into the technological position of a particular country relative to other countries. The results of the analysis performed in this study are represented in a specific graphical form, covering both absolute and relative (‘specializations’) technological activites. Thus a monitoring system useful for technology policy and research and developement management is constructed.