Studies on vitiligo. II. Familial aggregation and genetics

Data on 298 pedigrees, each collected through an affected proband, have been analyzed to study familial aggregation and genetics of vitiligo. The extent of familial aggregation is statistically significant at the 5% level. The disease does not appear to be inherited in a simple dominant or recessive fashion. The herita‐bility of liability to the disease is 46% ± 4.82%. Neither common family environment nor a major locus with additional sources (environmental and/or polygenic) can be excluded as a cause of familial aggregation. Association of the disease with six polymorphic genetic marker loci have been studied. Significant associations with ACP1 and RH loci have been found. This and earlier studies indicate that the disease is associated with genetic loci on different chromosomes, which points to a polygenic nature of the disease.