Distinct Profiles of Human B Cell Effector Cytokines: A Role in Immune Regulation?

There is growing interest in the fundamental roles that B cells may play in regulating immune responses. Emerging animal studies point to an important contribution of B cell effector cytokines to immune modulation, yet little is known about the factors regulating such cytokine production. We report that the profile of human B cell cytokine production is context dependent, being critically influenced by the balance of signals through the B cell receptor and CD40. B cells appropriately stimulated by sequential B cell receptor and CD40 stimulation proliferate and secrete TNF-alpha, lymphotoxin, and IL-6, which can act not only as autocrine growth and differentiation factors, but also serve to amplify the ongoing immune response. In contrast, CD40 stimulation alone, a mimic of a B cell receiving bystander T cell help in the absence of specific Ag recognition, induces negligible proinflammatory cytokines, but significant production of IL-10 that serves to suppress inappropriate immune responses. We thus describe a novel paradigm of reciprocal regulation of B cell effector cytokines, and ascribe active roles for human B cells in either promoting or suppressing local immune responses through context-dependent cytokine production.