Vestibular abnormality in patients with Meniere's disease and migrainous vertigo

Conclusion: Vestibular abnormality was found in 84% of patients with Meniere's disease (MD) and 66% of those with migrainous vertigo (MV), even in the interictal period. Although MV does not have proven pathology like endolymphatic hydrops of MD, MV had high vestibular abnormality, suggesting that comorbid vestibular abnormality can be a cause of vertigo and needs to be pursued. Objectives: MD and MV are common disorders causing recurrent vertigo. We determined the vestibular abnormality rates using vestibular tests with objective measurements. Methods: Results of caloric, head-shaking nystagmus (HSN), and vibration-induced nystagmus (VIN) tests were analyzed in 45 patients with MD and 76 with MV. Results: The abnormal rates in MD were significantly higher than those in MV. Of 45 MD patients, 21 (47%), 32 (71%), and 24 (53%) exhibited abnormal caloric, HSN, and VIN results, respectively. Fourteen (31%) MD patients had migraine associated with vertigo, but the association was not accompanied by high rates of abnormal results in the tests. Of 76 MV patients, 19 (25%), 38 (50%), and 24 (32%) exhibited abnormal caloric, HSN, and VIN results, respectively. Overall, 84% of patients with MD and 66% with MV exhibited abnormal results on at least one test. Abnormal rates were highest in HSN, followed by VIN and the caloric test.