We report the successful treatment of three cases of traumatic ruptures of the globe complicated by massive choroidal hemorrhage, uveal prolapse and retinal detachment. All three of the eyes were aphakic prior to injury and all patients were age 64 or older. The presenting visual acuity in all patients was light perception. The blunt injury in each case caused a wound dehiscence at the site of previous cataract extraction. All injuries were associated with uveal prolapse. Secondary surgical intervention was performed when the hemorrhagic choroidal detachments had decreased as demonstrated by echography in the suprachoroidal space, occurring at an average of 14 days after injury. The management consisted of surgical drainage of the choroidal hemorrhage combined with vitrectomy and silicone oil injection. Successful reattachment of the retina was achieved in all cases. Postoperative epiretinal membranes formed in two cases but all were anatomically successful at six months. Final visual acuities varied from 20/70 to 1/200, visual acuity being a function of secondary contusive damage to the retina and choroid. We believe that in eyes sustaining severe blunt injuries resulting in rupture of the globe complicated by massive choroidal hemorrhage and retinal detachment, properly timed external drainage of the choroidal hemorrhage combined with pars plana vitrectomy and silicone oil injection is a useful approach.