Novel monoamine oxidase A knock out mice with human-like spontaneous mutation

A novel line of mutant mice [monoamine oxidase A knockout (MAOAA863T KO)] harboring a spontaneous point nonsense mutation in exon 8 of the MAO A gene was serendipitously identified in a 129/SvEvTac colony. This mutation is analogous to the cause of a rare human disorder, Brunner syndrome, characterized by complete MAO A deficiency and impulsive aggressiveness. Concurrent with previous studies of MAO A KO mice generated by insertional mutagenesis (‘Tg8’), MAOAA863T KO lack MAO A enzyme activity and display enhanced aggression toward intruder mice. MAOAA863T KO, however, exhibited lower locomotor activity in a novel, inescapable open field and similar immobility during tail suspension compared with wild type, observations which differ from reports of Tg8. These findings consolidate evidence linking MAO A to aggression and highlight subtle yet distinctive phenotypical characteristics.