Gene amplification and overexpression of EGF receptor in squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck

Tumours of the head and neck were examined for gene amplification and expression of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor by Southern blot and Western blot analyses. The EGF receptor gene was found to be amplified in four (19%) of 21 squamous cell carcinomas. The EGF receptor was overexpressed in eight (53%) of 15 squamous cell carcinomas examined, including all four tumours showing gene amplification. No amplification or overexpression of the EGF receptor gene was detected in any of nine malignant or eight benign tumours of other types of the head and neck. The tumours showing amplification and/or overexpression of the EGF receptor gene (8/15) were all identified histologically as well differentiated squamous cell carcinomas, whereas none of the histologically less differentiated squamous cell carcinomas (0/9) showed amplification and/or overexpression of the EGF receptor gene. Within our sample set, no correlation was evident between amplification and/or overexpression and the clinical stage or tumour site. Our results support the possible involvement of gene amplification and overexpression of the EGF receptor in a subclass of squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck.