Elevated Levels Of Activities Of -Hexosaminidase And -Mannosidase In Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Patients

To determine their value as markers of the clinical stage of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease, plasma activities of lysosomal glycosidases were determined in the plasma of 97 HIV-infected patients: molecular forms of cathepsin D were characterized by Western blot to examine the mode of enzyme release. In patients with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stage II and III of HIV disease, plasma activity of β-hexosaminidase was significantly increased. In patients with stage III infection, α-mannosidase activity was also significantly increased and cathepsin D was elevated and present only in its premature form. Thus, determination of plasma activities of β-hexosaminidase and α-mannosidase in HIV-positive persons may be useful for distinguishing the clinical stage of disease. The elevation of precursors of cathepsin D in patients with stage III HIV disease indicates that secretion of lysosomal enzymes rather than leakage of enzymes from damaged cells is markedly elevated.