Modeling of non-line-of-sight ultraviolet scattering channels for communication

A stochastic non-line-of-sight (NLOS) ultraviolet (UV) communication channel model is developed using a Monte Carlo simulation method based on photon tracing. The expected channel impulse response is obtained by computing photon arrival probabilities and associated propagation delay at the receiver. This method captures the multiple scattering effects of UV signal propagation in the atmosphere, and relaxes the assumptions of single scattering theory. The proposed model has a clear advantage in reliable prediction of NLOS path loss, as validated by outdoor experiments at small to medium elevation angles. A Gamma function is shown to agree well with the predicted impulse response, and this provides a simple means to determine the channel bandwidth. The developed model is employed to study the characteristics of NLOS UV scattering channels, including path loss and channel bandwidth, for a variety of scattering conditions, source wavelength, transmitter and receiver optical pointing geometries, and range.