In situ imaging reveals different responses by naïve and memory CD8 T cells to late antigen presentation by lymph node DC after influenza virus infection

Pulmonary influenza infection causes prolonged lymph node hypertrophy while processed viral antigens continue to be presented to virus‐specific CD8 T cells. We show that naïve, but not central/memory, nucleoprotein (NP)‐specific CD8 T cells recognized antigen‐bearing CD11b+ DC in the draining lymph nodes more than 30 days after infection. After these late transfers, the naïve CD8 T cells underwent an abortive proliferative response in the mediastinal lymph node (MLN), where large clusters of partially activated cells remained in the paracortex until at least a week after transfer. A majority of the endogenous NP‐specific CD8 T cells that were in the MLN between 30 and 50 days after infection also showed signs of a continuing response to antigen stimulation. A high frequency of endogenous NP‐specific CD8 T cells in the MLN indicates that late antigen presentation may help shape the epitope dominance hierarchy during reinfection.