Motor unit number estimation by decomposition‐enhanced spike‐triggered averaging: Control data, test–retest reliability, and contractile level effects

Decomposition‐enhanced spike‐triggered averaging (DE‐STA) has been developed as a method for obtaining a motor unit number estimate (MUNE). We describe the method and report control data for the first dorsal interosseous/adductor pollicis and thenar muscles and reliability in the thenar muscles. Seventeen subjects (ages 20–50 years) took part in the study. The maximum M potential was elicited with supramaximal stimulation of the ulnar or median nerve at the wrist. Surface and intramuscularly detected electromyographic signals were then collected simultaneously during mild to moderate contractions. Decomposition algorithms were used to detect and sort the individual motor unit potential (MUP) occurrences of several concurrently active motor units in the needle‐detected signals. The MUP occurrences were used as triggering sources to estimate their corresponding surface‐detected MUPs (S‐MUPs) using STA. The mean S‐MUP size was calculated and divided into the maximum M‐potential size to derive a MUNE. The MUNE values were consistent with those previously reported with other methods, and thenar MUNEs for the two trials were similar (249 ± 78 and 246 ± 90), with high test–retest reliability (r = 0.94, P < 0.05). DE‐STA thus appears to be a valid and reliable method to obtain MUNEs. Muscle Nerve 29: 693–699, 2004