The voluntary intake of roughages by steers

1. Four roughages were given ad lib. to each of eight steers. The amount consumed and the apparent digestibility of the energy of each roughage were determined together with the weight gains of the steers.2. The mean voluntary intake of dry matter was related to the mean apparent digestibility of the energy of the roughages in the same quantitative way for the steers as had been noted with sheep. Mean weight gains were proportional to the mean number of calories of energy apparently digested.3. Significant differences between individuals occurred in their voluntary food intakes, and those animals which consumed most digested it least efficiently. The variation in intake from individual to individual expressed as a standard deviation was ±7·5% of the mean.4. The quantitative similarity of sheep and cattle as far as the relationship between their voluntary consumption of food of different apparent digestibility is concerned, is contrasted with their dissimilarity with respect to fasting metabolism. It is suggested that sheep are likely to prove more efficient convertors of the energy of roughages to body gain than are cattle.Further work is clearly necessary to explore the extent of these differences.

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