High dislocation density–induced large ductility in deformed and partitioned steels

A ductile steel shows its strength: Many industrial applications require materials to have high strength while remaining pliable, or ductile. However, the microstructure that increases strength tends to reduce ductility. He et al. used a processing mechanism to create a “forest” of line defects in manganese steel. This deformed and partitioned steel was produced by cold-rolling and low-temperature annealing and contained a dislocation network that improved both strength and ductility. Science , this issue p. 1029
Funding Information
  • Natural Science Foundation of China (award302813, U1560204)
  • Natural Science Foundation of China (award302815, U1460203)
  • Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (award302814, 712713;17203014;17255016)
  • Ministry of Science and Technology of Republic of China (award302816, MOST-104-2218-E-002-022-MY3)