ABSTRAKKajian pengembangan ekowisata bahari di Kecamatan Padang Cermin Kabupaten Pesawaran Provinsi Lampung telah dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengidentifikasi potensi atraksi wisata bahari yang ada, mengetahui persepsi wisatawan dan partisipasi masyarakat terhadap pengembangan ekowisata dari aspek sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan, serta merumuskan strategi pengembangan ekowisata bahari yang sesuai dengan potensi atraksi wisata bahari dan potensi pasar yang dimilikinya. Sebagai responden dipilih sejumlah 100 orang wisatawan dan 100 orang masyarakat dipilih dari empat objek yaitu Pantai Mutun, Pantai Klara, Pantai Sari Ringgung dan Pulau Pahawang. Data dikumpulkan dengan melakukan wawancara dan observasi. Analisis potensi dan daya tarik wisata alam menggunakan pedoman Analisis Daerah Operasi–Objek dan Daya tarik Wisata Alam (ADO-ODTWA). Analisis SWOT digunakan untuk menentukan strategi pengembangan ekowisata dan AHP untuk menentukan tingkat priorotas strategi pengembangan ekowisata. Hasil penelitian adalah bahwa Kecamatan Padang Cermin Kabupaten Pesawaran memiliki potensi yang sangat sesuai untuk pengembangan ekowisata bahari dan disetujui masyarakat setempat. Persepsi wisatawan terhadap potensi objek ekowisata bahari dari aspek ketersediaan fasilitas dan sarana prasarana penunjang masih rendah. Beberapa prioritas strategi pengembangan ekowisata bahari telah dibahas pada aspek ekologi sosial, dan ekonomi. ABSTRACTStudy of marine ecotourism development in Padang Cermin, Pesawaran District, Lampung Province has been carried out. The research objectives are to identify the potential of existing marine tourism attractions, finding out the perceptions of tourists and public participation in the development of ecotourism from social, economic and environmental aspects, and to formulate a marine ecotourism development strategy that is in accordance with the potential of marine tourism attractions and its market potential. As respondents, 100 tourists were selected and 100 people were selected from four objects, namely Mutun Beach, Klara Beach, Sari Rutut Beach and Pahawang Island. Data collecting was conducted using interview and observation. Data was collected by interview and observation. Analysis potential and attractive ecotourism used the orientation of operation area analysis object and motivation ecotourism. SWOT analysis was used to determine development strategy of ecotourism and AHP is used to determine the priority level of ecotourism development strategy. The result showed that Padang Cermin District, Pesawaran Regency, has a very suitable potential for the development of marine ecotourism and has been approved by the local community. The perception of tourists about the potential objects of marine ecotourism from the aspect of the availability of supporting facilities and infrastructure is still low. Several priority strategies for developing marine ecotourism have been discussed in the aspects of social and economic ecology.