Geothermal Heating Applications

Greenhouse heating is one of the most common uses of geothermal resources, and is getting more important in Turkey. The main objective of the present study is to investigate the current status of greenhouses heated by geothermal energy in Turkey. The first greenhouse heating system of 0.45 ha by geothermal energy was applied in Denizli-Kizildere geothermal field in 1985. In the last years, the total area of greenhouses heated by geothermal energy has shown a rapid growth and reached 35.7 ha. The majority of the geothermal greenhouse applications are in the western part of Turkey and heating capacity ranges from 3.01 to 101.72 million kJ/h. It may be concluded that geothermal greenhouse applications are very low in Turkey, having a total greenhouse area of 22,000 ha.