Thymoma in a Young Child Producing Symptoms of Asthma

THE THYMUS HAS recently been the subject of an increased number of studies because of its newly discovered importance in the immunological process.1-5 Aplasia and tumors of the gland have been associated with marked disturbances in antibody formation.1 This paper describes a rare tumor of childhood, a benign thymoma, in a young boy who had symptoms of asthma. Immunological studies prior to surgery and three years postoperatively are presented. In addition, a review of the literature on childhood thymomas, an analysis of current concepts of the pathology of such tumors, and a brief discussion of the role of the thymus in immunity are given. Report of a Case A 4-year-old white boy was referred to us in January 1962 because he had rough, dry, scaly, dark skin since birth, persistent cough and croup accompanied by attacks of wheezing since the age of 4 months, and nasal difficulties since