Nd-YAG Laser Photoablation of Sessile Villous and Tubular Adenomas of the Colorectum

Neodymium (Nd)-YAG laser photoablation treatment was used to treat 46 patients with broad-based villous and tubular adenomas of the colon or rectum. These adenomas were distributed throughout the large bowel, with the majority (72%) located above the peritoneal reflection. Patients received an average of 2.1 treatments per adenoma, with 22 patients (48%) requiring only one treatment. Overall treatment success was achieved in 89% of cases (mean follow-up of 12 months), with four patients undergoing continued therapy. Of the patients who received a full course of treatment, only two (4%) were not taken to complete photoablation. Complications were minimal, and 92% of all laser treatments were done on an outpatient basis. Four patients had documented polyp recurrence that was controlled with additional laser treatment. Two patients with malignant polyps who were not surgical candidates were also treated with the laser, with no tumor recurrence seen at 11 and 14 months. Nd-YAG laser photoablation of large colonic polyps offers a safe, efficient, and cost-effective alternative to standard surgical resection.