Comparative bioavailability of aspirin and paracetamol following single dose administration of soluble and plain tablets

SummaryIn this study, the bioavailability of aspirin and paracetamol was compared in plain and soluble combination formulations in fasting, healthy volunteers. Blood samples were taken and Cmax, Tmax and AUC measured at various times following administration of single doses of the two formulations in 12 subjects.The rapidity of uptake of aspirin following administration of a soluble formulation suggests significant absorption from the stomach. There was no significant difference in the pharmacokinetic parameters of paracetamol derived from a soluble or plain formulation. A comparison of the uptake of aspirin from the soluble aspirin formulation with paracetamol from either plain or soluble tablets showed that aspirin entered the plasma and achieved peak levels significantly more quickly. However, the half life of paracetamol was significantly longer than that of aspirin.These findings suggest that onset of analgesia should be more rapid following dosing with soluble aspirin, a conclusion supported by comp...