Microscopic models for uphill diffusion

We study a system of particles which jump on the sites of the interval of . The density at the boundaries is kept fixed to simulate the action of mass reservoirs. The evolution depends on two parameters and which are the strength of an external potential and respectively of an attractive potential among the particles. When the system behaves diffusively and the density profile of the final stationary state is linear, Fick's law is satisfied. In this paper we show that when 0$ " src="http://cdn.iopscience.com/images/1751-8121/50/43/435002/aaa8c68ieqn006.gif"> and the system models the diffusion of carbon in the presence of silicon as in the Darken experiment: the final state of the system is in qualitative agreement with the experimental one and uphill diffusion is present at the weld. Finally if and 0$ " src="http://cdn.iopscience.com/images/1751-8121/50/43/435002/aaa8c68ieqn009.gif"> is suitably large, the system simulates a vapor-liquid phase transition and we have a surprising phenomenon, as studied in Colangeli et al (2016 Phys. Lett. A 380 1710–3) and Colangeli et al (2017 J. Stat. Phys. 167 1081–111). Namely when the densities in the reservoirs correspond respectively to metastable vapor and metastable liquid we find a final stationary current which goes uphill from the reservoir with smaller density (vapor) to that with larger density (liquid). Our results are mainly numerical, we have theoretical explanations yet we miss a complete mathematical proof.