Atypical Cutis Gyrata

The clinical features of cutis gyrata are well established from textbook descriptions, and some 200 cases (Sicca) of interest have been published so far. There is, however, some controversy about the pathogenesis of this condition, also described as "bulldog scalp" or ``pachydermie plicaturée de cuir chevelue.'' Among the possible causes put forward, that of a nevoid origin usually takes the most prominent place, but the true nevoid cases are very rare. Examples of the condition associated with endocrine disorders, e. g., acromegaly, myxedema, or cretinism, occur, and the condition may be the reaction to local low-grade inflammation. Congenital loose scalp structure (Merenlender, Li Hung-Chiung, and others), congenital predisposition to furrowing (Ingram and Brain), or a lack of correlation between skull and scalp development associated with microcephaly (Bettley) have also been postulated. Most of the published cases could perhaps be included in this latter group, and