Low Grade Gliomas in Children

Gliomas represent the most common solid tumor of the nervous system, and can occur as both low and high-grade tumors. Current risk stratification and treatment approaches rely heavily on the morphological classification of gliomas whereby low-grade gliomas have an excellent prognosis, particularly pilocytic astrocytomas, while high-grade gliomas have a poor prognosis. The past decade has witnessed a dramatic increase in scholars’ knowledge of the biology of pediatric low-grade gliomas particularly through the advent of integrated genomics and next generation sequencing. Indeed, many of these biological advances are changing treatment paradigms, particularly in low-grade gliomas, where rationale targeted therapies are currently being explored in clinical trials. In this review the authors summarize the current approach to pediatric low grade gliomas and outline the biological advances over the past 10 years, which will be driving the next generation of clinical trials.