Pattern electroretinogram and optic nerve section in pigeons

We studied the effect of optic nerve section on the pattern electroretinogram (PERG) of 10 pigeons. Base line PERG and flash ERG were measured prior to surgery and then one optic nerve was cut. We measured PERG at various time intervals up to 24 weeks after the section. There was a sharp drop in PERG amplitude immediately following the section. It gradually returned to normal levels in the following 24 weeks. Significant decreases in time to peak were noted at 1 and 16 weeks for 0.5 cycle per degree checks and at 1, 2 and 9 weeks for 0.25 cycle per degree checks. The ERG generated by a TV stimulus did not change in amplitude but had a shorter time to peak at 24 weeks for a high intensity stimulus and at 16, 18, 24 weeks for a low intensity stimulus. Light and electron microscopic sections (at 24 weeks) revealed an almost complete loss of nerve fibers in the optic nerve. Retinal sections revealed only a few surviving ganglion cells and a few nerve fibers. This suggests that in pigeons, PERG is not generated by ganglion cells.