Stress fractures of the second metatarsal involving Lisfranc's joint in ballet dancers. A new overuse injury of the foot.

  • 1 December 1985
    • journal article
    • case report
    • Vol. 67 (9), 1372-5
We reviewed the cases of four female ballet dancers with a stress fracture of a type that has not been reported previously. This fracture occurs in the proximal portion of the second metatarsal and involves the volar and medial aspects of Lisfranc's joint. A differential diagnosis of pain in the middle part of the foot in a dancer should include a consideration of this entity, which can be very difficult to diagnose on initial assessment. Oblique radiographs, tomograms, and a bone scan may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis. With early recognition and diagnosis, in three of the four patients the fracture healed with immobilization and modified training. One patient required surgical resection because of persistent non-union of the necrotic fracture fragment.