Microbiological Quality of Commercial Tofu

A study was done to investigate the microbiological quality of commercial tofu available in local retail outlets. A sampling method was first developed to obtain accurate and representative microbial counts of individual pieces of tofu. Plate count determination of total aerobic organisms, psychrotrophs, coliforms, sporeformers, yeasts and molds, and staphylococci were made on 60 tofu samples (representing three lots each of four different brands) obtained within 24 h after delivery to the retail store. In addition, for two brands that provided manufacturer's pull dates, the same microbial counts were obtained for samples stored in the laboratory at 10°C until the pull date. Of the tofu sampled immediately after purchase, 83% of the lots tested had total counts greater than 106 colony-forming units (CFU)/g and psychrotrophic counts greater than 104 CFU/g. In addition, 67% of the lots tested had confirmed coliform counts greater than 103 CFU/g. Very low levels (less than 10 CFU/g) of all other microbial groups tested for were found in the majority of lots. Samples held until the manufacturer's pull date contained higher total and psychrotrophic counts but lower or stable counts of other organisms compared with samples tested immediately after purchase. To improve the microbiological quality of tofu, processors need to reduce initial loads by improving sanitation and processing techniques, and retailers should provide more consistent and colder refrigerated storage.