A new mutation Rim3 resembling Re den is mapped close to retinoic acid receptor alpha (Rara) gene on mouse Chromosome 11

A new mouse mutation, recombination-induced mutation 3 (Rim3), arose spontaneously in our mouse facility. This mutation exhibits corneal opacity as well as abnormal skin and hair development resembling rex denuded (Re(den)) and bareskin (Bsk). Large-scale linkage analysis with two kinds of intersubspecific backcrosses revealed that Rim3 is mapped to the distal portion of Chromosome (Chr) 11, in which Re(den) and Bsk have been located, and is very close to the retinoic acid receptor, alpha (Rara). The genes, keratin gene complex-1, acidic, gene 10, 12 (Krt1-10, 12), granulin (Grn), junctional plakoglobin (Jup) and Rara, all of which regulate growth and differentiation of epithelial cells, are genetically excluded as candidate genes for Rim3, but are clustered in the short segment on mouse Chr 11.