Implant Breast Reconstruction Using Acellular Dermal Matrix

Thirteen breast reconstructions in 11 patients, averaging 58 years of age, underwent mastectomies. The technique uses a saline implant either totally or partially covered with a human acellular dermal matrix. The mean postoperative follow-up time was 14 months. Ninety percent of the patients were considered high risk; the thickness of the human acellular dermal matrix was an average of 1.3 mm, with an average area per breast of 121 cm2. There were 12 successful breast reconstructions (92%) that provided stability, increased soft tissue padding, which allowed a greater resemblance to normal breast shape and decreased rippling and implant visibility. The graft was used in an onlay fashion or as an extension of the pectoralis major muscle that covers the implant. A representative histologic cross-section of well-integrated human acellular dermal matrix is presented. The use of a human acellular dermal matrix in breast reconstruction is an alternative protocol in high-risk patients, resulting in a minimal increase in operative time and a decrease in morbidity compared with more extensive procedures.