A Microcomputer-Based Procedure for Carrying Out Rhinomanometry

The determination of nasal airway resistance by the technique of anterior rhinomanometry is made difficult by several factors. Among these are the variability in the breath by breath measurement of airflow and pressure, the effect of under or over breathing, and the ability to produce a smooth transition between inspiration and expiration during which period the measurements are made. To overcome some of these problems a standard procedure has been developed (in our laboratory) for active anterior rhinomanometry. The nasal resistance is calculated from the mean of three sets of three readings with a rest interval between each set. To enable the procedure to be carried out with consistency it has been implemented on a BBC microcomputer. This enables a breathing guide to be provided for the subject, as well as providing a display of each flow pressure curve, a display of the mean curve, plus and minus one standard deviation, and the calculation of left, right and total nasal airway resistance.