An audit of the value of patch testing: the patient's perspective

Evaluation of the benefits of patch testing has been difficult. We have attempted to establish patients' views on patch testing and to assess the effectiveness of advice given in the clinic. Postal questionnaires were sent to 135 patients. A total of 105 replies were received (77.8% response rate). 42 patients (40.4%) reported improvement in their skin condition after testing. Of the 43 patients with a final diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis (ACD), 31 (72%) believed that patch testing had helped. About 1/2 of these were able to avoid the allergens concerned and had made changes in their lifestyle. This contrasts with the group of patients with final diagnoses other than ACD, in whom only 20 of 62 (32%) recorded patch testing as helpful. Similar numbers in both groups had improved sufficiently to be discharged from the clinic. 91 of the patients were entirely correct in their knowledge of the patch test results. 39 felt that the results had not been explained in sufficient detail. This study shows that patch testing is beneficial, especially for those with ACD. Patients' knowledge of the results was good but education could be improved.