Localized and Disseminated Histiocytic Sarcoma of Dendritic Cell Origin in Dogs

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Canine histiocytic proliferative disorders include a wide spectrum of diseases characterized by different biologic behaviors. The etiology and pathogenesis of these diseases are largely unknown. The clinicopathologic, morphologic and immunophenotypic characteristics of canine localized and disseminated histiocytic sarcoma were examined in 39 dogs. Rottweilers, Bernese Mountain Dogs, and retrievers were most commonly affected (79%). Localized histiocytic sarcomas (19 dogs) arose from a single site, and metastatic lesions were observed in draining lymph nodes. Predilection sites were subcutis and underlying tissues on extremities, but tumors occurred in other locations, including spleen, lung, brain, nasal cavity, and bone marrow. Disseminated histiocytic sarcomas (20 dogs), a multisystem disease previously described as malignant histiocytosis, primarily affected spleen, lungs, bone marrow, liver, and lymph nodes. Both localized and disseminated canine histiocytic sarcomas were composed of pleomorphic tumor cell populations. CD1+, CD4-, CD11c+, CD11d-, MHC II+, ICAM-1+, Thy-1± tumor cells were identified in all snap-frozen samples (31 dogs). This phenotype is characteristic for myeloid dendritic antigen-presenting cell lineage. Hence, canine localized and disseminated histiocytic sarcomas are likely myeloid dendritic cell sarcomas. Dendritic antigen-presenting cells are a heterogeneous cell population with regards to their ontogeny, phenotype, function, and localization. The exact sublineage of the proliferating dendritic antigen-presenting cells involved in canine histiocytic sarcomas remains to be determined. Phenotypic analysis of formalin-fixed tissues from eight dogs was limited by available markers. Morphologic features and the phenotype CD18+, CD3-, and CD79a- were the most useful criteria to indicate likely histiocytic origin.