Symptom Correlates of MMPI-2 Scales and Code Types in a Private-Practice Setting

The purpose of this study was to determine empirical symptom correlates of MMPI-2 (Butcher et al., 2001) scales for private-practice clients, a very understudied yet important population. We examined the scores of 240 male and 407 female clients on the Clinical scales, Content scales, Supplementary scales, and frequently occurring code types. We used a factor analyzed version of the Adult Clinical scales of the Multiaxial Diagnostic Inventory (Doverspike, 1990) as a criterion measure. The results generally indicated that the symptom correlates for the MMPI-2 scales and code types were quite similar to those that have been previously reported in other outpatient and inpatient settings. We concluded that descriptors of MMPI-2 scales and code types generated in other settings may be used when interpreting MMPI-2 profiles of private-practice clients.