Reducing Cancer Disparities for Minorities: A Multidisciplinary Research Agenda to Improve Patient Access to Health Systems, Clinical Trials, and Effective Cancer Therapy

Ethnic diversity in recruitment is a vital prerequisite to eliminating health disparities in cancer treatment, control and prevention programs. Much anecdotal reporting, but little scientific rigor, has been applied to the study of methods to improve the recruitment of minorities into cancer control or treatment trials. Even the most innovative research is stymied by the lack of representative samples of the populations that the research is designed to serve. The goals of this article are to describe a theory-driven framework for improving minority recruitment to clinical and cancer control trials, to explain organizational prerequisites to improving minority recruitment, and to provide empirical evidence of success in initial efforts to recruit to cancer control studies. These programs are offered as models for improving minority recruitment to cancer-control and -treatment trials, and minority access to cancer treatment in general.